PHSE/RSE Consultation
At Trinity Academy Newcastle Multi Academy Trust, we believe that Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education plays a vital role in preparing young people to be competent, confident and kind citizens . Furthermore, we have always valued the input of parents and carers on our PSHE/Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) policy. To make it easier for you to share your views, we are now providing an online consultation throughout the school year to improve the flow of information.
In line with the Department for Education (DfE) guidance, the proposed PSHE/RSE policy is outlined below. We invite you to review the policy and provide your feedback.
Consultation Period:
This formal consultation period will be open until February 28th, 2025. From this consultation suggested changes will be reviewed within the policy.
Ongoing Consultation:
Even after the formal consultation period ends, we will continue to welcome your feedback on our PSHE/RSE policy. Your input will be carefully considered throughout the year as we review and update our approach to this important area of the curriculum.
We encourage all parents and carers to take this opportunity to share their valuable perspectives.
If you wish to feedback on this policy please email your views to