Policies and Information


At Trinity Academy Newcastle Trust, good behaviour, discipline and safety are a vital part of school life as they set the atmosphere of the school, providing a good learning and teaching environment.

We aim to promote good behaviour by developing the values of mutual respect, self-discipline and social responsibility. We encourage self-discipline and the ability to work within the rules set down for the common good of all children.

To help us achieve our goals we have policies in place to help inform parents/carers and professionals so that we can all aim for the same outcomes.

Policies can be selected from below:

If you require paper copies of any of our policies please contact us on 0191 298 6950. Alternatively, please email admin.central@tanmat.org


The Trust is a welcoming academy where everyone is valued highly and where tolerance, honesty, co-operation and mutual respect for others are fostered. We are committed to the development of the whole person within a supportive, secure and creative environment.

A broad, balanced and appropriate curriculum provides equal opportunity for all learners to maximise their potential regardless of age, sex, race, colour, religion or disability. We endeavour to promote positive relationships with parents, Directors and members of the wider community.
At the Trust, we aim to promote equality and tackle any form of discrimination and actively promote harmonious relations in all areas of academy life. We seek to remove any barriers to access, participation, progression, attainment and achievement. We take seriously our contribution towards community cohesion.

We aim to:

  • Provide a secure environment in which all our learners can flourish and achieve all five outcomes of 'Every Child Matters' (be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution, and enjoy economic well-being)
  • Provide a learning environment where all individuals see themselves reflected, where their voice is heard and feel a sense of belonging
  • Prepare learners for life in a diverse society in which children are able to see their place in the local, regional, national and international community
  • Include and value the contribution of all families to our understanding of equality and diversity
  • Provide positive non-stereotyping information about different groups of people regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, religion and age
  • Plan systematically to improve our understanding and promotion of diversity
  • Actively challenge discrimination and disadvantage
  • Make inclusion a thread which runs through all our activities

Sex Education

Sex and Relationship Education (SRE) is an educational entitlement for all children and young people. It is lifelong learning about physical, moral and emotional development and sex, sexuality and sexual health. It enhances the self-worth and confidence of each individual and encourages mutually respectful relationships and empathy for others.

Sex and Relationship Education has three main elements:

Attitudes and values

  • Recognition of the value of family life, marriage, civil partnerships, stable and loving
  • Relationships for the nurture of children
  • Respect for self and others
  • Exploration of moral dilemmas
  • Development of critical thinking

Personal and social skills

  • Self-confidence, self-esteem and empathy for others
  • Managing emotions and relationships confidently and sensitively
  • Skills of choice to manage responsibility
  • Knowledge and understanding

Emotions and relationships

  • Physical development
  • Sexuality, reproduction, sexual health
  • Information on local and national contraception and sexual health Services
  • Reasons for delaying sexual activity
  • The avoidance of unplanned pregnancy

The Trust provides a setting in which learners can be offered appropriate teaching about Sex and Relationship Education. The purpose of SRE is to assist children and young people to prepare for adult life by supporting them through their physical, emotional and moral development and helping them to understand themselves, respect others and form and sustain healthy relationships. The SRE programme reflects Trinity's ethos, is supported by its mission statement and encourages the trust values to ensure that all learners:

  • Have respect for self
  • Pornography awareness
  • On and off-line safety - texting, grooming, exploitation

Learners receive information about sexually transmitted infections including HIV and AIDS and the importance of practising safe sex. Learners also receive information about contraception and its importance in guarding against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. The programme covers the legal implications of sexual behaviour.
Learners are made aware of people and places they can go to for appropriate help or advice. Again on the Upper Site, this is carried out in conjunction with the school health and Teenage Kicks.



Effective assessment provides information to improve teaching and learning. We celebrate with the learners their achievements the Trust undertakes two different but complementary types of assessment:

Assessment for learning and assessment of learning.

Assessment for learning involves the use of assessment in the classroom to raise learner achievement. It is based on the premise that learners will improve most if they understand the aim of their learning, where they are in relation to this aim, and what they need to do to achieve this aim.

Assessment of learning (summative assessment) involves judging learners' performance against national standards.
Our learners are given feedback on their learning so that they understand what it is they need to do to improve. We encourage our learners by involving them in the review process.

Appendix A

Moderation and Assessment Against National Curriculum levels

In the Trustsmoderation of Trusts own learners can be carried out both for the purposes of moderating judgements against National Curriculum levels but also for professional development and assessment in all subjects.

To make the process manageable, it is helpful to have a focus for the moderation rather than try to moderate all the judgements made. You will need to select a sample of work on which you will agree with judgements within your Trust.

Freedom of Information

The Trust is committed to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and to the principles of accountability and the general right of access to information, subject to legal exemptions.

This policy outlines our response to the Act and a framework for managing requests.

Health & Safety

The CEO and the Board of Directors of the Trust, recognise and accept the responsibility to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of employees, learners, parents and other visitors to the various schools that make up the Trust. To meet this responsibility, the CEO and Board of Directors will:

  • Comply with all relevant Health and Safety Legislation
  • Adopt and follow all relevant Local Education Authority Health and Safety Codes of Practice and Guidance
  • Follow all relevant Department For Children, Schools and Families guidance
  • Draw advice from City Council Health and Safety Officers to establish suitable and sufficient precautions to ensure the health, safety and welfare of school employees, learners and others
  • Review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals
  • Ensure that all staff receives sufficient health and safety information, training and supervision to enable them to carry out their activities safely
  • Consult with employees on health and safety matters

Data Protection

The Data Protection Act gives individuals certain rights regarding information held about them. It places obligations on those who process data while giving rights to those who re the subject of their data.

Personal information covers both facts and opinions about the individual.
The Trust follows the guidance of the Newcastle LA's Data Protection Policy.

For further information, please download the full Data Protection policy below.

The Data Protection Regulations 2018 requires every organisation that processes personal information to register with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and demonstrate strict compliance with the law.

All academies under the Trinity Academy Newcastle Trust process data under the Trust's policies, processes, and infrastructure.

Our ICO Registration number is ZA118810

If you'd like to see the registration for yourself, it can be found on the ICO's Register of Data Controllers.

Alternatively, please visit the direct link.

Charging Policy

It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors to formulate and review policy on charges. Directors have discretion over what charges they make for learners' activities.

It should reflect any special circumstances for the Trust. The Board of Directors must also prepare a remissions policy and set out the circumstances in which they would remit all or part of the charge.


Homework is work that is specifically set to be done outside the timetabled lesson. It is not usually directly supervised by a teacher but could be done in the Trust.

Homework enhances Learners learning, improves achievement and develops learners study skills.

The core aims of providing learners homework are:

  • To consolidate and extend work covered in class
  • To develop research skills
  • To show progress and prepare for new learning
  • To encourage parental support

Accessibility Plan

Please find our Accessibility Plan attached.

If you require paper copies of any of these policies please contact us on 0191 298 6950. Alternatively, please email admin.central@tanmat.org.

Confidential Reporting of Concerns (Whistleblowing)

This policy reflects the Trust's Board of Director's commitment to safeguarding children and young people, good practice, valuing staff and seeking continuous improvement in service delivery.

Employees are often the first to realise that there may be something wrong in their place of employment. However, they may not express their concerns because they feel that speaking up would be disloyal to their colleagues or to the school. They may also fear harassment or victimisation. In these circumstances, it may be easier to ignore the concern rather than to report what may just be a suspicion of malpractice.

The Trusts Board of Directors is committed to the highest possible standards of openness, probity and accountability. In line with that commitment, we expect employees and others that we deal with who have concerns about any aspect of the academies work to come forward and voice those concerns. It is recognised that most cases will have to proceed on a confidential basis.

This policy document makes it clear that you can do so without fear of victimisation, subsequent discrimination or disadvantage. The policy is intended to encourage and enable employees to raise concerns within the Academy rather than overlooking a problem or “blowing the whistle” outside.

Exams Policy

The purpose of this exams policy is:

To ensure the planning and management of exams are conducted efficiently and in the best interests of candidates;
To ensure the operation of an efficient exams system with clear guidelines for all relevant staff.
It is the responsibility of everyone involved in the centre's exam processes to read, understand and implement this policy.

The exams policy will be reviewed by the Resources Committee.

Where references are made to JCQ regulations/guidelines, further details can be found at -http://www.jcq.org.uk/

Administration of Medicines

This policy relates to requests made of the Trust from parents or carers to provide additional support, whether administering prescribed medication and/or medical techniques, to their children during Trust Time.


  • To provide a safe and secure environment for learners and staff;
  • To establish a safe and reliable system for managing medicines in the Trust;
  • To ensure that prescribed medicines are administered safely and correctly to learners;
  • To clearly identify the protocols relating to the management of and administering of medicines in the Trust;
  • To provide clear information to all staff, parents/carers and learners relating to the management of medicines;
  • To ensure that all trust practices conform to legislation, government and LEA guidance.


All Trusts have the legal right to impose reasonable sanctions if a learner misbehaves. Physical punishment is illegal; but sanctions for misbehaviour that a Trust might use include: a reprimand, a letter to parents or guardians, removal from a class or group, loss of privileges, confiscation of a possession that is inappropriate in the classroom, detention, or in serious cases of persistent incidents of misconduct, suspension. Suspension, whether temporary or permanent, is used as a last resort. Permanent suspension is used only in the most serious circumstances.

The Trust has a set of general rules which are designed in order that the Trust may be a safe, happy and caring place where members of the Trust community show consideration, concern and respect for each other. These rules are found in the Trust’s Behaviour Policy. All learners are expected to comply with the Trust's Behaviour Policy.


This policy deals with the Trust’s policy and procedure which informs the Trust’s use of suspension. It contains guidelines, which may be adapted as necessary, explaining the circumstances and sorts of behaviour that could result in suspension.

Safeguarding Policies

Please find all of our Safeguarding Policies available for download below.

If you require paper copies of any of these policies please contact us on 0191 298 6950. Alternatively, please email admin.central@tanmat.org.

Safeguarding policies will be reviewed at the start of each academic year.


Our school CP Policy is currently under its annual review. – Start of School Term (September)
During this time our CP Policy will be followed in conjunction with statutory guidance in all our safeguarding arrangements


E-Safety Policy

This E-safety and Acceptable Use of ICT Policy (AUP) relates to all members of the Trinity Academy Newcastle Trust community (including learners, staff, volunteers, visitors and contractors) who have access to, and are users of ICT systems and resources both in and out of learning venues where actions related to Academy set activities or use of Academy online systems.


To prepare learners for the needs of today and their future working lives where the curriculum and their personal goals require them to learn how to locate, retrieve and exchange information using a variety of technologies. Computer skills are vital to access employment and life-long learning as ICT is now seen as an essential skill for life. However, technologies present risks to vulnerable groups as well as benefits. Internet use for work, home, social and leisure activities is expanding across all sectors of society. This brings our staff and learners into contact with a wide variety influences some of which may be unsuitable. These new technologies are enhancing communication and the sharing of information, which inevitably challenge the definitions and boundaries of the Trust environment.

Provider Access Policy (Bakers Clause)

Please find our Provider Access Policy attached.

If you require paper copies of any of these policies please contact us on 0191 298 6950. Alternatively, please email admin.central@tanmat.org.

Relational Behaviour Policy

Please find our Behaviour Policy attached.

If you require paper copies of any of these policies please contact us on 0191 298 6950. Alternatively, please email admin.central@tanmat.org.

Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco

This policy encompasses all legal drugs (including alcohol and tobacco), all illegal drugs, volatile substances and unauthorised over the counter medicines.

The policy, in line with all other trust rules and expectations of behaviour, applies not only within the Trust boundaries but on all academy visits, trips and residential visits, including those made outside of normal academy hours. It will also be upheld on all Trust buses and may be applied to the immediate vicinity of the academy if appropriate.

No Smoking Policy

Please find our No Smoking Policy attached.

If you require paper copies of any of these policies please contact us on 0191 298 6950. Alternatively, please email admin.central@tanmat.org.

Complaints Policy

Please see our Complaints Policy Attached.

If you require paper copies of the policy please contact us on 0191 298 6950. Alternatively, please email admin.central@tanmat.org.

Free School Meals

Please see our Free School Meals Policy Attached.

If you require paper copies of the policy please contact us on 0191 298 6950. Alternatively, please email admin.central@tanmat.org.

Recruitment and Selection

Please see our Recruitment and Selection Policy Attached.

If you require paper copies of the policy please contact us on 0191 298 6950. Alternatively, please email admin.central@tanmat.org.

Early Career Teachers Induction Policy

Please see our Early Career Teachers Induction Policy Attached.

If you require paper copies of the policy please contact us on 0191 298 6950. Alternatively, please email admin.central@tanmat.org.

School Uniform Policy

Please see our School Uniform Policy Attached.

If you require paper copies of the policy please contact us on 0191 298 6950. Alternatively, please email admin.central@tanmat.org.

Admissions Arrangements

Please see our Admissions Arrangements Attached.

If you require paper copies of the policy please contact us on 0191 298 6950. Alternatively, please email admin.central@tanmat.org.

Careers Education Information

Please see our Careers Education Information Attached.

If you require paper copies of the policy please contact us on 0191 298 6950. Alternatively, please email admin.central@tanmat.org.

Remote Learning Policy

Please see our Remote Learning Policy Attached.

If you require paper copies of the policy please contact us on 0191 298 6950. Alternatively, please email admin.central@tanmat.org.